My Story

I grew up a minister’s daughter, or as many say, a “PK” preachers kid.  It set me on a path in life that I would never know, had my father not been a minister with such a passion for what he did.  He dedicated his life to serving and helping others learn about God.  I witnesssed that dedication and drive he had and it dramatically impacted my life.  He always said, “If I can help just one person then its all worth it."  That is why I started this blog.  If my life experiences and what I’ve learned can encourage someone else then it really is all worthwhile.

Most recently, my husband and I endured a bout with cancer that totally rocked our world.  We had lost three out of four parents to the disease but it was a whole other world when my husband was diagnosed. The past two years we have suffered and struggled through the most difficult time in our lives together, but by the grace of God, many miracles and love, we survived.  The one thing we never expected changed us. We find ourselves not the same people. This is something we are still coming to terms with.

From the very beginning of my husbands illness I began emailing our closest family and friends to tell them about what was happening and what we were dealing with. I hadn’t wanted to do it, but it was the only way we could communicate with the many people, in all different facets of our lives. We were so overwhelmed by our situation with little strength or energy.   There was no way we could get on the phone or write individual emails and whenever we tried, it brought a wave of emotion that took too much from the little we had left.  It was hard enough to get through one email, re-living the painful difficulties and reality we were experiencing.  We opened ourselves up in those very personal and private emails in a way I never have before, each one written with gut wrenching tears and emotion.  I felt so vulnerable, but it came from a place in my heart that was so deep, real and raw.  Those emails turned out to have a huge impact on many people that received them.  Many said I should write a book, others said they were so encouraged by our faith and many brought to tears.  One dear friend of mine told me just recently, with tears in her eyes, that they changed the way she looked at her husband.  The emails helped her in their marriage and gave her a new found appreciation for everything her husband brought to her life and how they had so much to be grateful for.

Before my husband was diagnosed with cancer, he asked me to start this blog but I was not ready and could not fathom why I should write….who would care, why should I share my story, but then through his illness and those emails, something happened that broke me open inside.  It was as if God was peeling away my layers of insecurity, doubt and fear.  Not that I still don’t have them, but I realize more than ever this is more than just about me….its about life, love and everything that matters.

There is so much I have learned the past couple years through our struggles, and I realized not long ago - it’s just a continuation of my long walk with God.  How just when I think I have it all figured out…He shows me something new.  


 © Love Goes On Forever 2017     |     Email: